Horse news, research and information
Does your horse make faces because of pain? Yes, according to researchers from Italy, Germany, and the United Kingdom, they developed what they call a horse grimace scale.
Six researchers monitored the neutered stallions and devel
El informe deinvestigación de mercado global Sistemas guiados de imagen (IGS) es un estudio especializado y en profundidad de la industria Sistemas guiados de imagen (IGS) que habla sobre datos frescos de la industria que incluyen de segmento de tipo, segmento tamaño de mercado, tanto volumen c
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LaDimensione del mercato globale MALDI-TOF spettrometro di massa è un'analisi dettagliata stimata delle dimensioni del settore, Trend di crescita, aggiornamenti della condivisione, panorama competitivo, struttura della catenaindustra e descrive l'eambient e prodotto Industrial Vision previsioni
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Open access for scientific and medical research
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The above perc
In mid-April, Zenyatta, the horse of the previous year, miserably miscarried her "prank" pony. This is the sixth pregnancy of this 14-year-old mare. Zenyatta’s contacts wrote in her blog, “The cause of the miscarriage was found to be low-grade placenitis that caused the placenta to separate p
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(Health Day)-Kissing your chicken or duckling is still not go
Dr. Egan Brockhoff is one of Canada's leading people who have made great contributions to the improvement of the Canadian pork industry and its global success. During his career, he has promoted a closer working relationship between the Canadian Pork Council (CPC) and the swine veterinary communi
There is not a lot of research to prove whether large temperature fluctuations and humidity can cause pneumonia and flu cases in livestock.
Previous column: Easy Leaf Falling Poison
However, despite not making any statements about cattle, sheep and goats, many producers will say that
Occurring: Globally. Affected age: gilts, sows after farrowing. Reason: poor management; infection. Effects: Within 48 hours after delivery-loss of appetite, piglet hunger, fever, hard breasts.
It is usually caused by bacteria invading the breast and subsequently producing endotoxin (cell w