New York--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Pfizer Inc. (NYSE: PFE) today announced that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved XELJANZ®/XELJANZ®XR (tofacitinib) as a complementary new drug Application (sNDA) for the treatment of active ankylosing spondylitis (AS) adults who have insufficient
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For people in Mumbai like me, even the slightest drop in temperature heralds the arrival of winter. We have been scrambling to get the jacket out this week because a thunderstorm brought a cold wave. Due to the formation of the
The Jackson County Public Health Department stated that there has been a surge in respiratory syncytial virus infection (RSV) cases in the past few weeks.
MEDFORD, Oregon - Although the coronavirus has been a major disease of concern for the past two years, Jackson County public health offi
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Prudour, Maharashtra, India, November 17, 2021 (Wiredrelease) Prudour Pvt. Ltd –: The latest research report provides a complete assessment of the global medicinal feed additives market for the forecast year 2022-2031, which will help the company Regardles
Since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Russian veterinary regulator Rosselhoznadzor has been tightening measures to import feed additives from Western countries. As of late June 2020, more than half of all supplies have been restricted. This raises the question of whether the governmen
Thee Marktindustrie en kernmarkttrends. Dit marktonderzoeksrapport bevat historische en voorspelde gegevens zoals vraag, toepassingsdetails, prijstrends en bedrijfsaandelen van de leidende Thee per geografie. Het hoofddoel van dit rapport is om inzichten te verschaffen to de post-COVID-19-impact
Het Persoonlijke verzorging Actieve ingrediënten-marktrapport biedt volledige informatie over de branche, including zowel productie-als consumptie-einde en SWOT-analysis. Het Geeft een overzicht en voorspelling van de areldwijde Persoonlijke verzorging Actieve ingrediënten-markt op based van ve
El registro de mercado de Intercambio terapéutico de Plasma ofrece una evaluación gigantesca del mercado. Clasifica a través de conocimientos cualitativos, información histórica y pronósticos demostrables sobre la duración del mercado. Las predicciones que figuran en el informe se han obte
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The Covid pandemic shows us that the delicate connection between animals, the environment, and human ecosystems will continue to be tested by climate change. SARS-CoV-2-The virus that caused the pandemic originated from animals. Although this zoonotic virus has pandemic potential, zoonotic diseas